Thankyou to all the patients / relatives / carers who attended today at our first Covid-Vaccine session.
We are pleased to confirm we have now received our first (albeit small) delivery of the Covid vaccine, and will be commencing clinics in line with the hopefully increasing supply in the days and weeks to come.
Please do not contact the surgery about booking appointments for these jabs, as we are following Welsh Government guidance which means starting with the oldest age groups who are at highest risk. We will be contacting eligible patients (and/or their relatives) in priority order via phone, letter and/or text. Clinics will be held across all our surgeries in the coming weeks, however for those who are genuinely unable to attend (or be brought here), we will endeavour to visit these patients as soon as is possible, allowing for vaccine supply and the necessary logistics. Those patients who are already under the care of the District Nurses will receive their jabs separately from our stocks, and we are unable to help with booking these jabs in, however we will be liaising with our DN colleagues to ensure nobody is missed. If you have friends, neighbours or relatives who may not be able to see this update online, but who may be eligible, please help us spread the word with a phone-call or friendly word, so they are kept aware of these ongoing developments. |
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December 2024