- Like everybody else, we are having increasing staff absence due to either illness, self-isolation or family commitments. Additionally, we now know schools will be closing next week, and this may impact staff resource futher. For this reason, we must continue to reiterate that we can only deal with urgent issues. You may be asked to travel further for an appointment but we are doing everything we can.
- Secondly, many patients took us up on the opportunity to convert pre-booked slots to telephone appointments, but with immediate effect, these are now cancelled, and as above, if the matter is urgent you will need to ring on the day for GP emergency triage, or submit an e-consult. This is because many of us are working 12 hour days and can still not get through the demand safely.
- Thirdly, owing to staff absence, our offer to honour minor surgery/joint injection appointments will now have to be withdrawn, also with immediate effect, for reasons as above.
- Next, many of you will be aware there are suggestions that some medications are unsafe in relation to corona-virus but if/when any of these are proved we will be in touch to switch medications as necessary and when safe. In the meantime please continue your prescribed medications (including ramipril). However, we can confirm that Welsh Government advice is now to NOT take ibuprofen if you have proven or suspected coronavirus. Patients taking it at other times is still acceptable.
- Finally, we are getting many queries concerning notes for employers when patients are self isolating / social distancing etc. We do not have the capacity to provide these currently and await further national guidance we assume will be forthcoming, but you can continue to self certify in the meantime. Please monitor the gov.uk pages for accurate, up to date info on this issue, as well as all corona-virus related government updates.