If you have similar symptoms but no obvious risk factors for coronavirus (eg travel, close contacts) we may wish to discuss with you over the phone before offering you an appointment.
Please call 111 if you feel you may be at risk, and click here to check which countries are affected.
As we await more formal guidance during this likely pandemic, we are currently looking at possible changes within the practice. Having researched the situation in Italy, and discussed with other local practices, we are keen to reduce the risk of spreading coronavirus between both our patients and staff to ensure we can continue to function. Coming off the back of the flooding we are already somewhat stretched, but hope that the right measures will allow us to offer sufficient service to patients going forward.
Our waiting rooms are high risk places to pick up infection, and so in the current climate we want to minimise risks for everybody by utilising phonecalls and e-consult in order to reduce the number of people who need to come to our surgeries, thereby protecting us all.
From Wednesday 11th March, if you have a pre-booked/routine appointment with GP/nurse/pharmacist, then we will be happy to convert this to a telephone appointment if you feel this would be more suitable- please let us know if you would prefer this, and ensure we have an up to date contact number. For many patients this will allow their problems/symptoms/issues to be resolved without putting themselves or others at risk by visiting the surgery.
We would encourage everyone who feels they need advice or review to use our e-consult service as we can nearly always respond on the same day, and can then offer appointments when necessary. However in most cases, we can deal with your issue without you needing to come down to surgery; many upper respiratory tract infections (coughs, colds etc) can be managed at home with self-medication available from your chemist.
We intend any changes we make to be proportionate and in line with other local practices. We will continue to monitor developments daily over the coming weeks and shall endeavour to keep you posted. However, we all need to be mindful this may become a serious public health concern with significant disruption in all walks of life; but we believe the health of our patients and staff to be our first priority so hope you can bear with us as we do our best in this difficult situation.