we are sure you are aware of the chronic difficulties with parking at Eglwsybach, our main surgery.
We are lucky to have this facility as many other surgeries in the area have no car-park at all; but unfortunately the current parking arrangements continue to be abused, and we can no longer ignore this as it is having many serious consequences:
- 'On-call' GPs not being able to exit promptly to visit housebound patients/emergencies
- GPs returning from other branch surgeries and not being able to park, causing stress and delays.
- Multiple patients having had ‘bumps’ in the car-park, often due to double, and in some cases, triple-parking which is inappropriate.
- Multiple cases of damage to surgery staff’s cars, and in most cases, with no acknowledgement left, meaning costly repairs.
- Some members of the public (hopefully not patients), who are leaving their car there in our privately owned car-park all day and then disappearing off to town, blocking a space from the use of patients who need it.
It is also the case, that the car-park is shared with our neighbours at the Town Council, and the above issues also impact frequently on them, which can cause upset.
For these reasons, we would ask that we are all more considerate when parking at the surgery; ideally the patient spaces should be for disabled patients as well as those with young children, and the spaces marked for GPs need to be left for the doctors to allow for the safe and smooth running of their duties; though of course we cannot be out there to enforce this guidance; but if you do use a space, please ensure you are parked appropriately, within the marked bay, and not blocking other users in, or causing obstruction.
If the carpark is full, then it is full; please try elsewhere.
We will be making further enquiries in the coming months, as if this situation does not improve, we may be forced to look at other more restrictive options, however this is not our preference; and so we will look at other methods in the meantime to help manage the carpark to ensure its safe use for all.